The Social Security and Medicare Trustees just issued their
annual report. In it, they claim Social Security will go bankrupt in 2034. One
year later than last year. Medicare will go bankrupt in 2030, also one year
later than last year's report. (Medicare is a much more serious economic
problem which I will discuss in another post.)
There are many reasons that the Trustee's report about these
programs is inaccurate and they
downright approach the characterization of absolute lies. I
will highlight only three.
First, a side bar to put your mind at ease for a moment.... Before explaining why Social Security
will go bankrupt far sooner than is being predicted, it is important to explain
what is meant by “going bankrupt”. Social Security and Medicare are both
“pay-as-you-go” programs. Everyone's paychecks has FICA tax or Social Security
tax and Medicare tax withdrawn every pay period. If you are self-employed, you
pay both the employer and employee portion of Social Security tax. If all the
reserves are depleted the money that is withdrawn from our paychecks for Social
Security is enough to provide 77 percent of the promised benefits. The
difference has always been made up by the trust fund.
The reason you should not worry about the Social Security
shortfall is that the difference will be made up out of the general revenues of
the government. There are currently 100 million Americans over age 50 who will
demand that to be done. By 2030, there will be 130 million people over age 50
who will require their elected officials the preserve their Social Security
benefits at all cost.
Ok back to the reasons:
Probably the biggest reason why the Trustees are severely
inaccurate is life expectancy. The Trustees use 75 years as the life expectancy
in their calculations. Currently a male's life expectancy is 86 years. A
female's is 89 years. As an estimate an additional two TRILLION dollars is
added to the shortfall for every year difference between what is being used and
reality. WOW!
The second reason is
the Trustees use a much higher growth rate than almost anyone thinks is
achievable. The Congressional Budget Office believes two percent average is a
stretch. Many even believe deflation or no growth is possible; yet, the
Trustees use 3.1 percent as an average. Reality check? We haven't had 3 percent
growth in a decade. Please remember, we are in one of the longest bull markets
in history. Where will this growth come from?
The third reason is the subsidy structure of Obamacare. This structure is causing people to work less
hours. Less hours means less pay. Less
pay mean less paid in FICA taxes. Less
FICA taxes collected, less going into social security.
There are other reasons, but why beat a dead horse over and
Don't you think we should talk?
Here are a few articles to back up this article:
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