Social Security
1) Will it be there for me when I retire?
2) What is the best age to take Social Security to maximize my
3) Will Social Security be taxable?
4) Is there a way to
prevent that?
5) Should I buy a Medicare
supplement or Medicare Advantage coverage?
6) Will the starting age for Medicare be raised to age 67 and what
impact will that have on me financially?
7) Do I have to take Part D prescription drug coverage if I don‟t
take any medication?
8) How will the states afford Medicaid when the federal government
stops fully funding the new
Medicaid recipients?
9) Will those extra costs be passed onto me even if I am not on
10) Do I have to completely spend down all my assets to become
eligible for Medicaid if I go into a nursing home?
11) Will the Medicaid program continue to grow and where will we
get the money to fund it?
Interest on the debt
12) Do you realize that interest on the debt that our country owes
is the fifth largest expenditure?
13) Do you know that the Congressional Budget Office predicts that
the debt will rise to $57 trillion by 2035?
14) If the interest rate is the historical 5 percent number, how
will we afford to pay all the
interest on that debt?
15) Do you also realize that by 2030 we will only take in enough
tax revenue to
pay for Social Security, Medicare and interest on the debt?
16) Should you reduce or eliminate your dependence on the
government under these circumstances?
17) If the government spends $3.8 trillion and it only takes in
$3.1 trillion in 2016, won‟t that
dramatically add to the debt?
18) What programs and benefits will be reduced or eliminated if
the deficit increases?
19) Will deficits at the same county, city and municipality level
also cause loss of benefits, tax increases or combinations of both and could it
even cause those entities to “borrow”
more money to continue to provide services. What impact would
those decisions have on your
financial future?
War, defense and terrorism costs
20) These costs are the second or third biggest expense in our
national budget. If you include the
costs for Homeland Security and the Transportation Security
Administration they are easily
second; if you don't, they are third.
21) With the possibility of terrorism on our soil, will these
costs increase or decrease?
22) With the world experiencing serious financial issues could a
war or serious military event be almost expected?
23) How will we defend our borders and our interest and the
interests of our allies without continuing to spend more and more?
24) Will military and defense spending offset some domestic spending?
25) Will that increase my taxes and lower my benefits?
Healthcare reform
26) Will Obamacare increase or decrease my healthcare costs?
27) Will it increase or decrease my access to care?
28) Does the Affordable Care Act “shift” costs from one group of
payers to another group of payers?
29) Will I be penalized because I have really good coverage or if
I decide not to cover myself?
30) Could this legislation be repealed if there was a change in
the party that is in power?
31) What effect would that have on my healthcare coverage?
32) Is the unemployment number accurate or has the government
manipulated it?
33) Does the unemployment rate include you any more if you have
received all the unemployment benefits you are entitled to and you are still
34) Is the unemployment number closer to 11 percent and would that
increase if we had another economic disaster?
35) What impact would that have on all the retirement and savings
accounts of all those people if they lose their jobs?
36) Would we have to take care of them in retirement if they have
no money and reduced Social Security because they didn't work?
37) Do you realize that we have less people employed than we did
in the year 2000 and we have added over 20 million people to the population
since then?
Inflation and Deflation
38) Which will happen first: deflation or inflation?
39) Which is more dangerous?
40 If prices of commodities, (stocks, bonds, real estate, gold,
silver, copper, etc.) first deflate or decrease in price will the government
take steps to artificially re-inflate those prices causing both real danger and
41) If even moderate inflation results, how do we take advantage
of it to maintain our purchasing power?
42) Are there ways to protect ourselves from deflation and
inflation and even better are there strategies I can employ to take advantage
of deflation and inflation?
Healthcare costs including nursing homes
43) Do you realize a recent study says an American family of four
pays $24,671 per year for health care?
44) If a conservative growth rate of 6 percent is used do you
realize you will pay $50,000 per
year by 2025 and $75,000 per year by 2030?
45) How many Americans will be able to afford that?
46) What will happen to healthcare in America?
47) Could healthcare costs be America‟s neutron, hydrogen, atomic
bomb that destroys our economy?
48) What about Nursing home costs?
49) If they are predicted to be $250,000 annually by 2025 and 75 percent
of Americans have less than $28,000 in assets, who will take care of the 75
percent of people over 65 who are predicted to require long term health care?
50) Won't most of the caregivers in America have to be family members?
What kind of financial, physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual damage
will having to be caregiver cause to families?
51) Is there a better, more efficient way to prepare for these
52) Do you think most Americans realize that 75 percent of their
lifetime healthcare costs are usually incurred in the last years of their life?
53) Ask how they feel about that and what do they think should be
54) Do you realize most of the bridges in this country are in
55) Should we fix them?
56) Can our highways handle all the additional traffic without
57) Do our airports, train stations, bus depots need modernization
or at a minimum repair?
58) Are we certain that our electrical grid can handle the
increasing load being put on it and is it protected from terrorist acts?
59) Can out ports handle all the additional shipping and do we
have the infrastructure to protect our borders?
60) What does that cost?
61) Should we spend the money?
62) Where or from whom do we get the money?
63) If you have money will they take your money to pay for these
64) Will these things have an impact on the success or failure of
your financial future?
Natural disasters
65)Do you believe another disaster like hurricane Katrina could
occur in our country?
66) Do you realize it is more than a decade since Katrina and New
Orleans has still not repaired or replaced all the damage?
67) Will droughts and tornadoes and snowstorms and floods continue
to become more powerful and create more destruction because of ever changing
weather patterns?
68) Where will we get the money to replace the forests and the
homes and the businesses destroyed by fires, floods, tornadoes and hurricanes,
69) What will happen when we finally have another even more serious
earthquake, not in a place we expect like California, but in the middle of the
country, in Chicago or St. Louis?
70) Who pays those clean-up costs?
71) Will people who don't have any money pay these costs or will
people who have money pay these costs?
72) How can you, your family and your business stay in control of
how much will be taken by the government for these costs?
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA
73) Do you realize that these entities have begun to make the same
kinds of loans again that caused the housing crisis of 2007 and 2008?
74) Do you realize that the FHA has only about one percent of the
assets they would need to protect against defaults?
75) Doesn't that mean if two percent of these loans default that
they are bankrupt?
76) If that happens again, doesn't that mean that the taxpayer has
to bail them out again?
77) Aren't these programs used by the government to artificially stimulate
the economy?
78) Aren't they back to giving home loans to people who really can't
afford them?
79) Won't the government become more and more dependent on people
who have money?
79) Are you okay with that or do you want to exert some control
while you still can?
80) Do you want to protect
yourself or keep going the way you are?
81) Do you want more answers?
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